Media Training for Non Journalists

Duration: 4 days

This course will set out how the media works and what the different sectors, print, radio and TV are after. It is a practicallybased course where clients are put through their paces with mock interviews to give them a realistic taste of what being in front of the microphones and TV cameras is like. This 4 day-long course covers what makes news, how to prepare for an interview, how to handle a difficult interview, & the importance of social media. Clients will be filmed for a recorded TV interview and then a live down-the line TV interview. These are done exactly as they would be for a real broadcast interview. These will be reviewed once the filming is complete.

At the end of the course participants shall: Understand how the media works and what it is after when it comes to stories. Acquire the skills to feel confident and prepared for media interviews both recorded and live.

Course outline
• What the media, print, radio and TV want.
• What makes a story?
• How journalists work.
• How the media has changed. Newsrooms have changed and so has how journalists work. Many of them now film edit and promote their own material on social media.
• What is news?
• Preparation is key.
• Techniques journalists use in interviews.
• Getting your message across
• Checklist of what to do before an interview.
• How to handle a difficult interview.
• How to use social media to promote yourself in a positive way.
• The pitfalls of social media and how to avoid them.

Each candidate will be interviewed exactly as they would be for a real broadcast interview. They will be filmed in a recorded interview and then for a live broadcast. Each session is reviewed in front of the group & constructive criticism will be used to help them to improve.